Looking Back: Past Homecoming Celebrations

The Article below was published in Vol. 136, Issue 2 of the Lake Forest College Stentor on October 16, 2020.

Emma Overton ’21 and Adam Hartzer ’23

Editor-in-Chief and News Editor, Managing Editor and Layout Editor

overtoneg@mx.lakeforest.edu and hartzeraj@mx.lakeforest.edu

Scheduled for the weekend of October 9–10, the traditions of this year’s Homecoming celebration were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Lake Forest College’s remote semester. To celebrate Homecoming, we searched the Stentor archives for coverage about Homecoming at Lake Forest College. Stentor staff also spoke with students about their previous Homecoming experiences and what they were looking forward to for this year’s celebration. Their responses are reprinted below. 

Audrey Bailey ’22:

Bailey shared that she “wasn’t particularly looking forward to Homecoming this year or thinking about it because of having to adjust to remote learning.” She further stated that in “…past years, I enjoyed the feeling of excitement and sense of school pride on campus. Even though I’m not much of a football fan, I liked going to the games to be surrounded by friends and meet other students.”

Nada Reffat ’22:

Stentor: What do you enjoy about Homecoming? What are your favorite memories of past Homecomings?

Reffat: I enjoy Homecoming because it is typically held after the first round of midterms and can serve as a way to destress from school for a week. The various events held throughout the week are a great way to learn more about Lake Forest College traditions and meet new people, including alumni. In the past, my favorite memories of Homecoming normally revolve around the Homecoming parade and football game. It feels like a time where the whole community of Lake Forest comes together and celebrates Lake Forest College. 

Stentor: What were you looking forward to most about this year’s Homecoming? 

Reffat: This year, I was looking forward to being able to just spend time with my friends during Homecoming week and enjoying events such as the pep rally or bonfire together to take a break from what we usually do when we hang out, which is studying or homework. I was also super excited to see some of my friends who are now alumni come back and hangout on campus for a couple of days. 

Stentor: What will you miss about not having this year’s Homecoming?

Reffat: I will miss everything about not having Homecoming this year, all the events held during Homecoming week are so much fun to attend!

Stentor: Do you have anything you want to share with the seniors, since it is their last year as Lake Forest College students? Anything for the first-year students since they have not yet experienced in-person events on campus? 

Reffat: To the seniors, I know that it is disappointing to not be able to attend your senior year Homecoming week events, but I hope that you come back as alumni when we are able to participate in these traditions again. To the freshmen, I know that it is also disappointing to not be able to attend your first-year Homecoming week events, but hopefully you will have the chance to attend them in your later years at the College as well as many awesome in-person events!

Gwennyth Baker ’21:

Stentor: What do you enjoy about Homecoming and in-person events on campus?

Baker: I enjoy Homecoming mostly because it is a chance for all Lake Forest College students to get together and celebrate our shared experiences as a community. It is great to have an exciting event to rally around.

Stentor: What were you looking forward to for this year’s Homecoming?

Baker: This would be my second Homecoming at Lake Forest College, and I was excited because I knew what to expect and get hyped up for! 

Stentor: What will you miss about not having this year’s Homecoming?

Baker: I do think the biggest change in my college experience due to COVID-19 is the fact that we don’t get to come together for these events as a community. I miss the opportunity to see everyone in one giant setting.

The Stentor’s special coverage of Homecoming 2010 
Homecoming Royalty from Homecoming 2010 
Photos from the 2012 Homecoming parade, “Remember the Magic” 
Coverage from Homecoming 100 years ago in Vol. 35, Issue 4 of the Lake Forest College Stentor. Dated October 22, 1920.

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